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joanteno | all galleries >> Picture a Day >> Picture of the Day 2006 >> December 2006 > Year 2 wrap December 31 2006.jpg
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Year 2 wrap December 31 2006.jpg

Few Facts about PaD year 2
Avg. number of dog shots per month 4.9
Miles flown 53072
Number of trips = 12
Trip locations: BWI Airport, Washington,DC,, London, NYC, Manchester,UK, Nashville, Montreal, Chicago,
Amsterdam, Salzburg, Austria, Germany, Pittsburgh and Indiana, Pa.
Cameras dropped = 1 (Slight lens damage)
Fractured bones = 0
Surgeries = 0 (Thank God!)

Thanks for all you comments and encouragement.
A special thanks for John Waine for arranging PBASE meeting up when I was in UK.
Wonderful fun to meet some of the UK Pbase Stars!

A special, special thanks to the my sister anf family for wonderful holiday in London!

It's wrap.. Year 2 done!


Link to final PAD

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Guest 01-Jan-2007 12:59
Happy new year Joan! It was great to meet you at the Bristol PBASE meet - you certainly do travel a lot don't you! Have a wonderful 2007 & all the best with your photography.
JW01-Jan-2007 11:17
What a wonderful collage! 53,072 miles - you must be the most travelled Pbaser who actually takes pic every time! Amazing!

Best wishes for 2007
ewa toll31-Dec-2006 22:52
Happy new year to you !
Sheila31-Dec-2006 22:36
This is a great collage! You had such a busy year, it made me dizzy, LOL.
Happy New Year to you!
Guest 31-Dec-2006 20:19
Nicely done and all in one piece..happy hunting for 2007...v
royalld31-Dec-2006 20:01
Wow, it has been quite a year for you. Congratulations on year 2.
Have a Happy New Year.
Jackdad31-Dec-2006 19:22
some nice memories there. Here's to you and Java, a happy 2007.
Zak31-Dec-2006 18:32
congrats on surviving 2 years, all the best for year 3 and 2007!
nordic31-Dec-2006 17:54
Congrats on your acheivement Joan, amazing!
Happy New Year.....

I even made it onto your final image (although I look like I'm doing some strange dance!!)
Pic Chick31-Dec-2006 17:53
Congratulations Joan! Today is my 2 year anniversary with PBase, so I'm feeling a little nostalgic too. I've really enjoyed your images and thanks for all your inspiring comments!
Cheers from Canada!
Jim Larkin31-Dec-2006 16:22
Wow. I am a month into my first and am amazed at how hard it can be. Nice work.
Guest 31-Dec-2006 15:56
congratulations, I will start tomorrow, well done, wish you a happy New Year.
Katie Chew31-Dec-2006 15:51
Well done! Happy New Year!
Guest 31-Dec-2006 15:50
Congradulation for the 2 year of padding.

Happy new year !
Linda Alstead31-Dec-2006 15:47
Well done Joan - congratulations....and a very Happy new Year to you.
Gayle P. Clement31-Dec-2006 15:34
Very well done, Joan. I love the range and variety of your images. See you for Year 3!
Guest 31-Dec-2006 15:25
Well done Joan - congrats on year 2 - it's a lot of work, isn't it? But honestly, I may restart a PaD again tomorrow (I've been busy and lazy these last few months). Happy New Year!
Sharon Rogers31-Dec-2006 15:12
well done Joan, I think you got the best shot at the Bristol meet up too, what a great huddle of photographers! Great to meet you, hope you have a Happy New Year!
Karen Leaf31-Dec-2006 14:55
Congrats Joan!
Take the next 12 hours off then get going with Y3P!

Just kidding, really, congrats. Lottsa HARD work here.