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joanteno | all galleries >> Picture a Day >> Picture of the Day 2006 >> December 2006 > pbase bristol sunrise on December 30 2006.jpg
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pbase bristol sunrise on December 30 2006.jpg

Sunrise over Stone Harbor Condos in Bristol RI.

Final days of Year 2 PaD!!!

Nikon D80
1/250s f/8.0 at 26.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Guest 01-Jan-2007 12:50
What a lovely shot Joan - beautiful!
Guest 31-Dec-2006 02:52
royalld31-Dec-2006 02:35
Gorgeous sunrise shot.
Sheila31-Dec-2006 01:54
This is a beautiful shot, Joan. So tranquil.
Guest 31-Dec-2006 01:40
Ray :)30-Dec-2006 23:51
A beautiful morning vista.
Jackdad30-Dec-2006 23:10
those birds have plenty of company.
Katie Chew30-Dec-2006 21:49
Beautiful image! V
firstbrook30-Dec-2006 21:48
Beautiful sunrise.......v
nordic30-Dec-2006 19:01
Gorgeous shot Joan
Nicki Thurgar30-Dec-2006 17:51
Beautiful scene with all those little ducks... congrats on doing two years of PAD!!
Breland30-Dec-2006 17:16
Excellent shot, my favorite time of day. GMV
ewa toll30-Dec-2006 17:10
very nice sunrise
Marco Valk30-Dec-2006 16:42
very beautiful image
Gayle P. Clement30-Dec-2006 16:02
A beautifully peaceful morning.
Donald Verger30-Dec-2006 15:50
is this a pano... how did you do it.. i like it

vote! ps.. i have just started doing panos... someone does the photshop knitting for me... i dont know it yet..

here is one we just did rencently...

from other shots in ...
Linda Alstead30-Dec-2006 15:44
lovely shot - very tranquil - congrats on Y2 end
Johnny JAG30-Dec-2006 15:28
Stunning pano, you were awake before the ducks it seems.