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joanteno | all galleries >> Picture of the Week >> Picture of the Week 2005 > Brown Quad blossoms April 21 2005 p.jpg
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Brown Quad blossoms April 21 2005 p.jpg

Tough choice..

Nikon Coolpix 7900
1/681s f/4.8 at 7.8mm iso50 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Guest 27-Nov-2005 07:20
You've got them all ...... Excellent!
Manfred Bachmann23-Oct-2005 11:50
Wooww, very beautiful!!
Guest 24-Apr-2005 15:04
Wouldn't wanna miss such beautiful picture
Guest 23-Apr-2005 10:01
very vibrant. nice!
beverley harrison22-Apr-2005 07:45
beautiful colours against the blue sky, nice one!
Dennis Hoyne22-Apr-2005 03:56
Wonderful image, nice job
Joanne Santillo21-Apr-2005 23:12
Great DOF, lovely colours,great shot and yes I think you choose the right one too...
jude21-Apr-2005 23:02
love the comp on the pink flowers.. I feel like it's raining beauty.
Both are nice.. i love the color - ours is still missing :D
Saskia 21-Apr-2005 21:09
Fabulous spring photo!
JeremyGood21-Apr-2005 19:27
And you chose the right one I think.