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joanteno | all galleries >> My Favorites >> My favorite Sunsets > Cogdon Park Sunset April 14 2005 p.jpg
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Cogdon Park Sunset April 14 2005 p.jpg

Sunset from Cogdon Park, Providence RI Early for April 15 2005

Nikon Coolpix 7900
1/3s f/2.8 at 7.8mm iso169 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Scott Wager26-Oct-2007 08:32
Great shot, you captured highlights and shadows without loosing detail or burn-out. Nice shot
Shimon Levkovich18-May-2006 08:14
Captivating view.
Marc Demoulin23-Feb-2006 06:58
I like it a lot!
Karen Stuebing16-Feb-2006 12:20
Stunning combination of cityscape and sunset. I love the red sky and the glow from the lights.
Fred Parsons30-Oct-2005 01:15
Very Very nice shot taken from where? I can almost see the mayor peeking out thru the bars (sorry - could not resist) ;-)
Deepak01-Sep-2005 09:55
Phew..stunning view.
Vilone28-Aug-2005 12:11
Manfred Bachmann07-Aug-2005 20:55
Very beautiful!
The Suburban Hippie 14-Jul-2005 14:31
beautiful shot
Lazy 3L Photography15-Apr-2005 03:43
Wow....very beautiful picture!