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Suren Thambirajah | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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badur 18-Jan-2009 19:55
realy beautyful.its a real sri lanka when i was a kid.
Bhasky 22-Dec-2008 17:49
Hi Suren Exellent creative images! keep up the good work! Can you please contact me as soon as possible? Thanks. - Bhasky
Bahini 26-Aug-2008 15:40
who could I possibily express my self

Bharathi 02-Jan-2008 13:55
Good Pitures Suren mama

Eelini. gogbouko surendan 22-Nov-2007 23:50
I like that so much
Nivetha .Mullai .Surendran 22-Nov-2007 23:48
Beautiful work Suresh

Sen 11-Oct-2007 15:08
The photos are really good.
All Tamil Eelam pictures are very nice..

We people from Tamilnadu would like to see Tamil Eelam Soon.

Kindly post more pictures about Tamil Eelam , Pongu Tamil.


Guest 20-Jun-2007 06:09
Keep moving forward. I can see that you have a lot of potential.
Guest 08-Mar-2007 07:07
Haran 14-Nov-2006 06:47
Millions words worth of stories!
John 08-Nov-2006 13:10
dudes, goin
Ragi 23-Oct-2006 06:10
I enjoy very well. u remember my 1 decate momorize. at the same time i feel scare from your album. thank you very much for your pictures effort. i appriceate. bye
selvan 03-Aug-2006 11:16
Dori 27-May-2006 04:27
Good site. It would be desirable to return again and again!
Jonn 19-May-2006 22:30
Hi! How to me to adjust a background of page?
Petr 12-May-2006 21:05
Hi! Who knows still sites similar to this?
Artemiy 08-May-2006 13:04
Tell, and here at you always so?
Li 08-May-2006 12:59
Hi all!

I want to establish the same guest book. Prompt as?
Robert 23-Apr-2006 21:31
Good site. Why also is not present?! (
Bill 24-Mar-2006 06:18
Hallo you! Great web site. I found exactly the information I was looking for. I will recommend your page to all my
s.vimesh 08-Mar-2006 04:47
well done suren..those are some amazing would be even great if you could add a little note to each picture..wonderfull job nevertheless

S.vimesh, Colombo
suren 25-Jan-2006 13:50
visit for latest lanka news update, please link this site to your web
sanjeev 19-Oct-2005 18:51
well done suren..those are some amazing would be even great if you could add a little note to each picture..wonderfull job nevertheless

sanjeev, toronto
Elan 18-Jul-2005 19:06
Wow ... what a nice pictures !
Excellent job suren !
Guest 07-Jul-2005 08:44

I just visited your galleries and they are really great
keep up the good work

greetings from Belgium,
kuloththunkan 28-Jun-2004 00:27
it's a great job. i am verry happy to see all this photos. thanks
Nada 03-Jun-2004 12:56
It's really nice to see back home.
Guest 28-Apr-2004 20:29
Interesantes fotos
Gracias por compartirlas
Saludos desde EspaƱa
Gajan 12-Feb-2004 13:24
Really i am happy to write to comments. I feel like, i am in ealam while i am see your photo gallery. Thank you very much my dear ealam lover. You done good job. Keep your aim forward in ealam.
wel wisher,
From Montreal.
Thana 27-Jan-2004 16:57
Hi Suren Anna!
You have done a wonderful job. By looking at them I refresh my childhood memories of my mother land, Tamil Eelam. Thanks a lot anna for ur hard work and dedication.
Suba 26-Jan-2004 20:39
Hi Suren!
Thank you for brought up the Srilankan memories to our minds. Good luck in your future works.
kagi 26-Jan-2004 20:35
Hi Suren!
Your work is amazing. In future try to give discriptions on each pictures. Keep it up.
Guest 25-Jan-2004 03:48
Hello suren uncle/anna/thambi,
very good picutres... especially those of ottawa river and ellam
Raji 21-Jan-2004 00:30
My heart was rejoicing when i looked at the photos. You have done an excellent job. I wish and hope that our country will come back to normal just like how it is on the photos.
sritharans 21-Jul-2003 00:56
Hi Suresh mama,

These are very informative exellent pictures. Thank you for giving us an opportunity to learn about our country too.
