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Dallas Hyatt | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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Dirk Weissensteiner14-Mar-2025 22:04
I really enjoyed looking through your galleries. Thank you for sharing them.
Barry McCartney06-Jan-2024 06:50
I just discovered your galleries this evening.
Excellent work!
Eli Finkelstein27-Apr-2019 18:51
Thanks for your kind comment on my NYC gallery. Best regards, Eli
hamery17-Feb-2016 15:38
Thank you Dallas Hyatt for visiting my gallery and is so nice to meet u in PB. Thanks again for your comment. Wishing u here and your love ones have a happy 2016 and the years to come.
mango icecream06-Oct-2015 04:43
hey my friend are you okay? are you still alive? raise your hands if you are, or post something will ya?
Guest 30-Sep-2011 00:01
Many strikingly beautiful photographs here. Love the shadows.
Richard Guillis21-Aug-2011 04:15
Fell into your "Signs". Thank you for the photos. rhg
Rosemarie Kusserow18-Apr-2011 05:19
Dear Dallas, I strolled again through your galleries and I have to repead me, it was again a great plesure!!! Rosemarie :o)) I´ll come back for sure!
Ian James Doyle23-Mar-2011 06:09
Your comments are so kind. I'm loving your pics too. Thanks
Glenn Maslen14-Nov-2010 18:55
Dallas, thanks for commenting on my gallery -- I appreciate it!
Guest 29-Sep-2010 17:01
thanks for sharing. My impression is that i can learn a lot about how to choose a perspective to everyday life because your photos incdicate that you have a special eye of perspectives.
kacap27-Sep-2010 16:12
Thank you for your comment!I enjoyed your galleries very much.
Charlotte 13-Jun-2010 11:11
Thank you, Sean, for including me in your adventures. Your photos are gorgious and I am sorry Bill isn't around to enjoy them too.
Annelance06-Jan-2010 16:17
Thankyou for commenting on my gallery. I see you have also been to the Big Island of Hawaii. It is a lovely place and it is fun to view other people's experiences there. You have many lovely photos.
an nguyen10-Jun-2009 00:58
Thank you for stopping by..I appreciate your kind words.. Anne Nguyen
Mike Shore12-Nov-2008 20:20
Dallas, you have been very busy here in the Bay Area and I like what you see, it's always interesting to see familiar sights through another's perspective, thanks for sharing. Mike
Guest 03-Oct-2008 15:33
Hello! Dallas
Thanks very much for your kindness comment.
Ali Abrishami08-Sep-2008 18:45
I enjoyed viewing your beautiful galleries. Need more time to study every image as they are so many.
I wish you good health and many more ineteresting imagery to follow.
Pawel Kazmierczyk06-Aug-2008 11:35
Amazing galleries.... You have a great eye for photography, and a unique sense of style. I have truly enjoyed going through your galleries - the range and variety of topics, the originality of viewpoint, and the quality. Well done, keep it up ! Greetings from Poland. Pawel
Guest 01-Aug-2008 12:45
Great travel photos, you should really make an album in this site: and promote your galleries with him...

like this gallery:

after you will make your album Send them message here, ,and they will insert your website gallery under your albums.
Rosemarie Kusserow08-Jul-2008 06:24
Hi Dallas, I´m glad to find you here on PBase, I put you to my favorities because I´ll come back if I have more time, I enjoyed the short stroll through your works, they are very interesting and inspiring to me, I like it how you are looking into our world through your lense, regards, Rosemarie :o)
Guest 12-Apr-2008 17:05
A really eclectic collection and a great eye!

Given that I shoot digital, I have to use Photoshop, as the physics of digital capture (anti alias filter bayer filter artifacts and all) mean that nothing's completely sharp otherwise?

Guest 06-Apr-2008 23:22
Dallas, it seems like you're composition magician...
Guest 18-Mar-2008 06:00
Thank you for your encouraging words. You got a a really cool gallery
kobie moore 19-Nov-2007 21:45
Hi Dallas,

I am interested in purchasing one of your images for an ad. (The big pink image) Would you be intersted. Please let me know of your pricing for a 8.5" x 6" image at 300dpi.

thank you.
John Vass17-Nov-2007 05:38
Wow! Dallas! You are definitely on my favorites list! Tons of interesting galleries to go through! Nice work! I’ll be back! Thanks for stopping by at mine or I wouldn’t have found yours!
fdt14-Nov-2007 20:14
Thank you for visiting my galleries. I enjoyed touring yours. Plenty of beautiful and inspiring images. f
David Yu12-Nov-2007 06:48
Hi Dallas,
Thanks very much for your dedication to take many beautiful photos around my favorite city in the world. There are still many places I haven't been visited. I am glad that I can see many of them through your gallery. You have a great vision to snap these good shots. :-))
Guest 07-Nov-2007 18:40
Thank you for your recent comment on my fall gallery. Your San Francisco Galleries are indeed amazing, it was a pleasure going through them and brought back wonderful memories of SF.

Guest 07-Oct-2007 15:20
Dallas your still a photographic genius. Keep up the great work. C
Guest 23-Sep-2007 17:22
Thanks for your comment about the de Beers building. Wow, you do an amazing job with reflections. I am throwing my polarizing filter away after seeing your work! I'm sure we'll bump into eachother one day, as I work about a mile away from The Gap.
Guest 01-Aug-2007 01:50
Dallas I've been a huge fan of yours for sometime now. I love your use of color, angles and reflections. You fill the frame like no other..........excellent job and keep up the great work. Eyes always smile when your galleries are up!!
Guest 20-Jun-2007 07:21
Thank you for sharing your work. Had a great time looking at them.
Guest 25-Apr-2007 05:32
Thanks for the comment in my gallery, Dallas. Your work is quite impressive as well-- glad to have the opportunity to be introduced to your work!
Guest 08-Mar-2007 12:53
I feel like an amateur when I look at your stuff.
Guest 20-Dec-2006 14:10
Thank you very much for stopping by my PAD gallery, and for you wonderful comment!
Guest 18-Nov-2006 06:21
I love your variety. You've handled each situation with control and great skill.

You are amongst one of my favorite! Happy shooting.
W. Alan Baker 17-Nov-2006 01:01
Very nice Work!! I have loved my Olympus C-750, which I unfortunately gave away. How do you like the SP-510 compared to the C-750. I am thinking of getting a 510, and would greatly value your advice.
Keep Shooting!
Debbie B.06-Oct-2006 13:40
Thank you for the nice comment on my river rock picture. It is truly appreciated. :-)
Peter Kwok18-Sep-2006 20:04
Thank you for visiting my gallery and especially your words of encouragement. I envy you for living in San Francisco, a very photogenic city, where you can practice your skill. Here in LA, we have to drive for miles to go from one interesting place to another. I wished I had browsed your gallery before I visited SF. I would have picked up lots of valuable ideas of what to shoot.
Eric Herbelin16-Sep-2006 17:36
you do not use retouch as a priniciple?
moon (Singapore) 13-Sep-2006 05:18
well done!!
Guest 14-Aug-2006 16:28
Hi Dallas,
Thank you for your visit and your vote of encouragement. You have a huge collection of amazing captures. I thoroughly enjoyed viewing them and will be back for more.
Best regards,
glimpses by lu11-Aug-2006 22:22
Hi Dallas, i just want you to know that everytime i visit your galleries I have fun. Thank you for sharing your amazing talent in all aspects. Excellent work!!
Jose Canovas04-Aug-2006 08:57
A real pleasure visiting your galleries!
Guest 03-Aug-2006 00:58
Hi Dallas, great to see you the other day, and very cool that you are doing pictures. Fun to look at. Sarah Feinbloom
coburg jon 28-Jul-2006 23:13
great photos - enjoyed looking
Guest 22-Jul-2006 06:26
I like your gallery. Keep shooting.
Thanks for sharing
richard haas 16-Jul-2006 18:33
Could you please contact me. Thanks in advance
Bill Taylor16-Jul-2006 17:41
Thanks Dallas ! I appreciate your visit and comment to my gallery. Well you don't have to go far for the sunflowers. They are along I-80 between Dixon and Sacramento. This is the first year that I've shot sunflowers , but I remember seeing them along the freeway on the way to the Bay Area. The season is pretty much over this year , they are turning bad really fast. They only last about a week or two, so timing is important. I would say the last of June/ first part of July. Any big photo events coming up in San francisco? I'll probably shoot fleet week air show and the Moon Festival (not sure if much to shoot at Moon festival), but anything with people and costumes would be fun..
Guest 16-Jul-2006 08:15
Hi Dallas,
Thanks for commenting on my latest posting. Really appreciate it, but the bonus was to then go see your work. You have such a keen eye and your humor really shines through.
wonderful work!
Guest 29-Jun-2006 06:14
Dallas ... thanks for taking time to stop by My PaD and comment on my "yellow chairs" shot. I appreciate the compliment and enjoyed browsing your many wonderful galleries as well. Cheers.
Pauline21-Jun-2006 02:01
Thank you for the comment about my site.
You are kind. 04-Jun-2006 12:23
I'm surprised :). Lilly 23-May-2006 15:32
Incredible.. Ken
Bea.19-May-2006 11:59
Hey Dallas,
I've just had a look through your galleries. I love the bright colours you have throughout all of them.
Gar Cropser07-May-2006 05:10
You've got many wonderful pictures. I love your creative compositions
glimpses by lu28-Apr-2006 23:06
hi dallas - i absolutely love your work!! i love that you love the natural look of everything. All of your compositions are amazing. Be so proud!!
Guest 19-Apr-2006 01:10
Thank you so much for viewing our galleries and for the comments. Love the wonderful lifestyle point of view.
Jay and Kelly.........
jam 14-Apr-2006 20:57
Say you don't say. That's my shot...
Vincent Belford11-Apr-2006 17:02
HI Dallas,
Very nice collection of galleries. Round is a great idea.
Good work and I'll be back for a closer look.
Guest 10-Apr-2006 07:57
Dallas, thanks for your visit to my galleries! I really like your philo-galleries and think it is a shame they are on page 2!
Oleg Birioukov11-Mar-2006 06:24
Thank you, Dallas, for your compliment. It's especially valuable, when it comes from a such master of rhythm as you are. Your images are music!

All the best!
Guest 19-Feb-2006 17:47
SF is a great place to take pictures and each of us have our own unique way of showing the beauty of this wonderful city.
Larry Russo07-Feb-2006 06:17
Hey Man - I wish work was this fun!!! - thanks for the comment!
Guest 16-Jan-2006 03:15
Enjoyed your galleries. Very good work. And thanks for the comments on mine.
Offer Goldfarb18-Dec-2005 03:36
I think you are a great artist !
keep doing your great work
please visit me at
take care
Julie 16-Dec-2005 17:39
Love the 395 shots!!!
Guest 25-Oct-2005 00:40
Thank you very much for the kind words! Your galleries are wonderful!
Guest 28-Aug-2005 17:01
JFH 28-Aug-2005 03:55
Your S.F shots are terrific. You go from there to that heart-braking photo of that little shack. You are so gifted, and such range.
Robispho14-Aug-2005 20:42
Hello Dallas,
Thanks for your comment on my galleries. Looked at your galleries and loved San Fransisco 2005 a lot. Very creatif and innovating. Was there in june and loved every day... What a great city!! Your wintershots of Monolake are nice as well. Voted and put you on my list...Hang on there
gr, Rob