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Brown Quad May 9 2005 p.jpg

Nikon Coolpix 7900
1/218s f/3.5 at 12.7mm iso50 hide exif
Full EXIF Info
Date/Time09-May-2005 13:49:17
Flash UsedNo
Focal Length12.7 mm
Exposure Time1/218 sec
ISO Equivalent50
Exposure Bias
White Balance (9)
Metering Modematrix (5)
JPEG Quality (6)
Exposure Programprogram (2)
Focus Distance

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Guest 15-May-2005 16:17
Wenche Aune10-May-2005 22:32
Steven Jusczyk10-May-2005 05:47
Very nice light in the flowers.
Guest 10-May-2005 00:56
Very well done. DoF works perfectly.
JeremyGood09-May-2005 21:33
Nice composition. I like the way you framed the window.
Si Kirk09-May-2005 19:31
very nice, well composed
Della Huff09-May-2005 19:12
I really like the light on the blossoms. Nice framing and great light!
jeanb09-May-2005 18:58